Milk Bar 2

126.00  VAT 0%

2- OSAISET VASIKOIDEN ÄMPÄRIT. UV-suojatusta polyeteenistä. Ergonomiset. Helppokäyttöiset. Kiinnitysmahdollisuus karsinaan. Helppo puhdistaa. 1 osastoon mahtuu 2,5 litraa.

6 in stock

Compartment feeders give piece of mind that all calves are drinking their daily allocation and can be helpful for sorting calves into groups. 
The Milk Bar 2 Compartment is made for the Buddy System where two calves are paired from birth. The compartment allows you to monitor the calves to be sure they are a good match. 

The controlled flow of the Milk Bar teat solves the cross suckling issue so you can pair your calves with confidence. 

Volume: 2.5L ea

Total Volume: 14L
Weight: 2kg
Length: 400mm
Height: 400mm
Width: 250mm


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